Designed to deepen your yoga practice tailored to your own specific needs.

An opportunity to peel back the layers of self to build a strong foundation from the roots up. To understand how physical tension and stiffness in the body can be a result of mental tension as well as being caused by injury, inactivity or overuse.

We will work together to create a practice that meets you where you are at. Providing you with tools and knowledge you need that enables you to feel strong and powerful whilst also remaining soft and fluid. Learning how we find balance and harmony where one may see the strict contrast of polarity. Partnering the asana practice with learning philosophy of yoga to see how they are not separate but deeply intertwined.

As individuals we are all so unique. We require different types of movement and guidance. The beauty of 1-2-1 sessions is that they allow for the time and space to pay complete attention to what you need now unlike within a group class environment.

1-2-1 Yoga Sessions