Let’s catch up!

Where we have been…

Rewind to March earlier this year when I had just landed back home after completing a month of yoga teacher training in India. Between March and April I was busy behind the scenes creating With Grace Yoga; learning how to set up a website (brushing off my rusty skills from A-Level Media here), opening a business bank account, contacting venues to rent to teach from, buying props, blocks and mats, all to bring the vision of With Grace Yoga to life. In April I began teaching yoga to supportive friends, family and people of the local community who I have immense gratitude and appreciation for! Thank you for trusting me and giving me the opportunity to simply start the journey.

Where we are now…

From May right up to where we are now in September I have been teaching between 5-9 weekly yoga classes from two different gyms and a beautiful outside yoga studio. As well as teaching yoga, I have started working with people 1-2-1 through providing personal coaching with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Helping others to overcome limiting beliefs and self sabotaging habits that are stopping them from living the life they really want. Read more about I can help you through NLP here.

It has been incredible to see individuals overcome really personal challenges they have faced for a long time and the growth in self confidence and self belief this has resulted in.

Back to yoga… I have just two Sundays left teaching at the beautiful Hillside Wellness in Nutley before we wrap up for the Winter season. I will be teaching my usual Vinyasa Flow and Restorative Yoga classes on Sunday 22nd and Sunday 29th of September.

Where we are going…

As some of you may know as of October 15th I am heading back to Goa in India. I will be a volunteer teaching assistant at Sampoorna Yoga as well as completing my own 300 hour Advanced Vinyasa training too.

So whilst I won’t be around to teach in person classes I am going to be offering ONLINE YOGA classes from India whilst away. At the moment I am planning on hosting these on Sundays at 10am (Vinyasa) and 11:30am (Restorative) UK time available as drop in classes for £10. I am still in the process of getting this up and running but please get in touch with me if you are interested and sign up to the newsletter for more information coming soon!

It will be glorious to stay connected and continue to practice together throughout Winter.


Goa, India - The Debrief