Transitions into Spring

“Sitting quietly, doing nothing, Spring comes, and the grass grows, by itself.”


Spring is the rebirth of spirit after a Winter of hibernation. The buds of plants and flowers begin to re-emerge from the soil. Birds awaken the mornings with their song. The warmth of the sun slowly starts to emigrate out from behind the clouds. The energy of the air starts to gently hum. These signs from nature invite us to reawaken. To set intentions. To welcome in new ideas. To be creative. To start living the life we truly desire that feels authentic to us. Perhaps this is through adopting new routines, new mindsets, new belief systems and taking action to implement this into our daily lives.

However, much like many self care practices that have become distorted into another form of productivity or an opportunity to receive external validation for doing more, Spring has lots its gentleness. I love the quote, “Sitting quietly, doing nothing, Spring comes, and the grass grows, by itself,” by Basho because it reminds us that in nature Spring requires no force, no need to control, to push, to rush it unfolds in its own time. As individuals I think this is an important reminder as often we put so much pressure on ourself and have an expectation of dramatic overnight changes. We want to create and complete our new goals overnight. Rushing towards the final destination, forgetting that the joy is in the journey and the process of getting there rather than the destination. Spring is one season out of four. We have a whole year until the next cycle begins, mirroring the narrative that things take time. Embracing this allows us to be more gentle with ourselves resulting in less critical self talk when we think we’re not making enough progress.

Consistency and discipline are not rigid or dogmatic concepts. They should be attainable actions we can take that enable us to remain on our own personal journey towards our goals that don’t mean we have to sacrifice spontaneous plans, work commitments, rest and activities or hobbies that bring you joy. Spring resembles balance. It is not yet the high heat of summer, but a balance between rain and sunshine. Warmth and coolness. Like Spring, where can you find more balance in your own life?

Journal prompts for the beginning of Spring:

  • What lessons did I learn about myself over Winter? (Is there anything I wish to let go of that perhaps feels outdated? What did I enjoy that I would like to implement more of?)

  • What new goals would I like to work towards? (These could be related to lifestyle, work, personal mindset, friendships…)

  • What habits or rituals could I implement consistently; day, weekly, or even monthly that would help me progress towards these goals?

  • What habits or rituals am I currently doing that are perhaps stunting my progress that I can lovingly let go of?

  • How do I want to feel each day as I journey through Spring? What action can I take do to create this?

  • Is there a word, mantra or quote to be your North Star for Spring? (A North Star is a reminder of the direction you are heading in. It can connect you to your true purpose in any moment.)


Nadi Shodhana - Breathwork for Balance